SIRENE base in v1 format on the territory of m2A (more maintained since January 2019)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.01.11 17:05
Available languages
insee, siret, entreprises, sirene, siren, activite, economie
Quality scoring

Dataset description

### Sirene database in v1 format of companies and their establishments (SIREN, SIRET) This dataset comes from a certified public service Ù PLEASE NOTE: This dataset is no longer updated from the ### January 2019 and is replaced by [Base Sirene v3]( Ù This dataset provides access to active companies and establishments in the INSEE Sirene directory, which records their marital status on a daily basis: * regardless of their legal form; * whatever their sector of activity (industrialists, traders, craftsmen, professions, farmers, local authorities, banks, insurance companies, associations, etc.); * located in metropolitan France, as well as Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. Public or private bodies and foreign companies with representation or activity in France are also listed. The Sirene directory is thus the main comprehensive source for all active businesses and establishments. WARNING As the Sirene database contains personal data, INSEE draws your attention to the legal obligations arising therefrom: * The processing of these data falls within the reporting obligations of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, according to CNIL Law: <HTTPS://WWW.CNIL.FR/FR/LOI-78-17-DU-6-JANVIER-1978-MODIFIEE> * Depending on your use of the dataset, it is your responsibility to take into account the most recent release status of each individual. Article A123-96 of the Commercial Code provides that: ‘Any natural person may request, either directly during his creation or modification formalities, or by letter to the Director-General of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, that the information in the register concerning him may not be used by third parties other than bodies authorised under Article R. 123-224 or the administrations, for the purposes of prospecting, in particular commercial.’ Files: Three types of compacted files (ZIP format) are made available (1 stock file and 2 monthly or daily update files, whole France). Each compacted file (ZIP format) contains a data file in CSV format. The stock file and the monthly update file are filed on the first day of each month with the data (drawing of L2 file) on the last day of the previous month. Since the monthly update file is in the same drawing as the stock file, you can choose each month, cancel and replace the stock file with the new stock file or update it with the monthly update file. All transactions relating to an institution during the month are aggregated, making the information easily usable. The daily update file is filed in the night following the management day it concerns (file drawing XL2). _NB: Files are filed a little later in early January and early July due to semi-annual reconciliation operations of the dissemination database. The INSEE website []( provides information on the content of these databases, as well as the associated [documentation]( and a [Frequently Asked Questions]( to help you, including more than 50 questions and answers. NB2: Geocoded base per m2A based on its address base Space Coverage: Baldersheim — Bantzenheim — Battenheim — Berrwiller — Bollwiller — Bruebach — Brunstatt-Didenheim — Chalampé — Dietwiller — Eschentzwiller- Feldkirch — Flaxlanden — Galfingue — Habsheim — Heimsbrunn — Homburg — Illzach — Kingersheim — Lutterbach — Morschwiller-le-Bas — Mulhouse — Niffer — Ottmarsheim — Petit-Landau — Pfastatt — Pulversheim — Reiningue — Richwiller — Riedisheim — Rixheim — Ruelisheim — Sausheim — Staffelfelden — Steinbrunn-le-Bas — Ungersheim — Wittelsheim — Wittenheim — Zillisheim — Zimmersheim
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