Small areas, overcrowding, degraded habitat: more difficult housing conditions after separation

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.02.02 23:38
Available languages
logement, habitat-amenagement, separation, surpeuplement
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Source: Studies and Results No. 947, January 2016 Author: Sophie Villaume After separation, families must take into account, in their housing needs, children who live with them, but also those who reside with their other parent on an occasional or more regular basis. Single parents and those living alone without their child(s) are less satisfied with their housing conditions than others. Less often homeowners, they also find it more difficult to pay the costs associated with their habitat. They live more often in the city, in a collective housing, old and with significant defects. Living in a smaller area, single-parent families face overcrowding more than other families. Among single people, parents who live without their child(s) have larger dwellings, although they deplore a little more often the lack of space, which could be linked to the reception of their child(s). The housing conditions of the recomposed families are better than those of parents without a spouse, but remain less favourable than those of other families.
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