Social housing in the face of the challenge of access for low-income and disadvantaged audiences

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2017.09.04 18:04
Available languages
parc-social, publics-modestes, cour-des-comptes, juridictions-financieres, logement-social
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Dataset description

Social housing occupies a decisive place in France: with 4.8 million units, the social park represents one in six housing and almost half of the rental stock. The public support allocated to it amounted to EUR 17.5 billion in 2014. In a context marked by the high expectations of citizens and sustained action by the State, the Court and the regional chambers of the accounts Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Île-de-France and Pays de la Loire have carried out an assessment of the public policy of social housing in the light of its primary objective set by law: the reception of modest and disadvantaged people. The findings of financial jurisdictions confirm the service provided by social housing to the community, but also reveal bottlenecks that reduce the effectiveness and coherence of this public policy. Their report is accompanied by territorial booklets tracing the specific investigations carried out in six territories (communities of agglomeration of Cergy-Pontoise and Valenciennes, metropolises of Grenoble, Nantes and Nice, department of Haute-Vienne). This report is available on [the Court’s website] ( The published files correspond to the data used in the preparation of the report.
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