Sound classification of category 5 roads with a street profile in “U” — Isère

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 13:15
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, environment, ddt-isere, bruit, grand-public, specification-locale, isere, passerelle-inspire
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The purpose of the noise classification is to inform future residents of noise pollution related to land transport infrastructure and oblige them to implement the necessary protections in order to respect regulatory noise levels within sensitive buildings (housing, health, social, education, hotel): 35db(decibel)[A] on the day and 30db[A] at night. Classification makes it possible not to recreate a black dot of the noise. Preventive action is the only enforceable regulation concerning noise in land transport infrastructure. The sound classification has 5 categories classified from 1 to 5, with category 1 being the loudest. Are classified: roads flowing more than 5000 vehicles/day, railways of more than 50 trains per day and public transport on a clean site. Here, table of the sound classification of category 5 roads on the street in U. This table represents all roads in the department on the street in U, classified in category 5 of the noise classification of land transport infrastructure. It is mainly municipal and RD roads with traffic between 5000 and 8000 vehicles per day. __Origin__ The route of the tracks is derived from the BDCARTO. The noise emission calculation was carried out by the ACOUPLUS study office or DDT38 for the following updates. L_sonore_route_cat5_rue_u_038 __Partner organisations__ DDT Isère [See this page on](
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