Sound classification of land transport infrastructure in Charente. (revision)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.09.13 06:38
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, classement-sonore, donnees-ouvertes, environment, nuisance-bruit
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Linear objects of road and rail tracks of the noise classification of land transport infrastructure in Charente. This regulatory noise prevention system identifies and classifies according to 5 categories, 1 being the loudest, road tracks with an annual average daily traffic exceeding 5000 vehicles per day, and tracks exceeding the threshold of 50 trains per day. It is arrested and published by the Prefect, in application of the Decree of 30 May 1996 and of the Decree of 30 May 1996; Article R571-32 of the Code of the Environment, after consulting the municipalities. From this classification are deduced from the sectors affected by noise within which special rules of constructibility apply. __Origin__ Carried out by CEREMA on the basis of the BD Topo de l'IGN, the road noise classification study concerns: roadways with a traffic of more than 5000 vehicles per day; intercity railways of more than 50 trains per day; urban railways with more than 100 trains per day; public transport lines on a clean site of more than 100 buses or trams per day. Data for LGV South Europe Atlantic were provided by COSEA. The data relating to the Paris-Bordeaux line were provided by SNCF-Réseau. __Partner organisations__ DDT Charente __Links annexes__ * [HTML view of metadata on the Internet]( * [XML metadata view]( * [National Noise Council]( * [the services of the State in Charente.]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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