Spatialisation of public properties on the Hérault Department

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.01.01 13:30
Available languages
agriculture-et-innovations, territoires, proprietes-publiques
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Spatialisation of public properties on the Hérault Department These different layers map the cadastral plots that are property of remarkable public people in the Hérault: This file is generated from DGFIP data (MAJIC3/DGFIP January 2018, PCI vector Edigeo/DGFIP 2018) 1. The properties of the **state**. Parcels attached to the following owners shall be identified as State property: — State — Different ministries — Council of State — Deposit and deposit fund — CDIF, Domain Service — ONEMA — NFB — ONCFS — Coastal Conservatory — Centre of National Monuments — Hospital, intercommunal hospital, regional hospital, university hospital, hospital, civil hospital, local hospital, rural hospital — Regional Centre for Academic and School Works — Research institutes: CNRS, INRA, IFREMER, CNEARC, IRD, IRSTEA, BRGM — Establishments: ENGREF, National School of Agronomics, Universities, Faculty of Pharmacy — Rectorat Academy of Montpellier — Establishment of Engineering — Departmental and regional directorates — Maritime Affairs Service — Employment cluster — CNFPT 2. The properties of the **Region**. Parcels attached to the following owners are identified as property of the Region: — Regional Council — Establishments: high school, vocational high school, agricultural high school 3. The properties of the **Department**. Parcels attached to the following owners are identified as property of the Region: — Different directorates of the Department — Establishments: colleges 4. The properties of the **communes**. Parcels attached to the following owners shall be identified as property of the municipalities: — Different municipalities — Municipal social action centres or social assistance offices — Municipal authorities 5. The properties of the **EPCI and inter-communal trade unions**. The parcels attached to the following owners shall be identified as property of the EPCI and inter-communal trade unions: — Inter-communal trade unions (SIVU, SIVOM,...) — Communities of municipalities — Agglomeration communities — Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole 6. The properties of **HLM Offices**. The plots attached to the following owners shall be identified as HLM Offices’ property: — OPHLM — HLM operators (companies specialised in the construction of HLM, for example FDI) 7. The properties of other remarkable public establishments, i.e.: — Mixed trade unions — Management centres — Conservatory of Natural Spaces LR (CEN LR) — EID — EPF of Occitanie — SNCF Mobilites and SNCF Réseau — SDIS — SEM and equipment companies (Equipment companies of the Montpellieraine region, Hérault aménagement, Territoire34, Development of the Thau basin, development of the Setois coastline, l’Or Aménagement, Aménagement du littoral LR, LR Aménagement, VIATERRA — SEM du biterrois)
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