Sports clubs and FF establishments in Seine-Maritime in 2018

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.24 01:11
Available languages
geospatial, sports-et-loisirs
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Dataset description

Sports clubs and professional establishments under a national federation per commune of the Seine-Maritime Department in 2018. This data, geolocated to the municipality, comes from the census of licences and clubs among sports federations approved by the Ministry in charge of sports. The default map indicates the density of all clubs in all disciplines, but other visualisations are possible (e.g. federation). Metadata [Link to metadata]( Additional resources * Website of the National Institute of Youth and Popular Education: []( This INJEP website, which is a nationally competent service of the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, offers a lot of data related to sport, including licenses by Department in 2019 * Website of the Ministry of Sports: <>( The Ministry’s website offers various publications or downloadable data (key figures, detailed data since 2000) and information on the methodology of the census of sports licences and clubs. * INSEE website: []( The website of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies offers data on sports licenses for the 2018/2019 season (downloadable in xls format), accompanied by regional and departmental comparisons very simple to consult (map of France interactive) * Website of the Territorial Observatory for Sport and Youth: [,6463861,280126,168785&c=indicator&i=lic2017_1fede.nomfede&view=map28](,6463861,280126,168785&c=indicator&i=lic2017_1fede.nomfede&view=map28) This website of the National Institute of Youth and Popular Education offers cartographic visualisation of various information relating to licenses (federation with the most licenses per municipality, percentage of licenses held by women by federation or federation grouping and by municipality, share of licenses per federation in Quartier Politique de la Ville, etc.) but also on sports equipment, sports establishments and educators, etc. The data are available to the municipality or the Department for the whole of France.
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