State presenting all the allowances of elected regional representatives of Île-de-France within the meaning of Article L. 4135-19-2-1 of the CGCT (gross monthly amount)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.04.27 10:10
Available languages
mandat-regional, conseiller-regional, organisme-associe, elue, indemnites, elu, assemblee-regionale, conseillere-regionale, conseil-regional
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Dataset description

Since 2020, Article L. 4135-19-2-1 of the General Code of Local and Regional Authorities imposes a new obligation on the Region, as follows: > Each year, the regions shall draw up a statement setting out all the allowances of all kinds, denominated in euros, from which elected representatives on the regional council receive, in respect of any office and office held within them and within any trade union within the meaning of Books VII and VIII of Part Five or of any company mentioned in Book V of the first part or a subsidiary of any of those companies. This statement shall be communicated annually to regional advisors prior to the review of the region’s budget. This legal provision imposes on the Region the obligation to publish financial information that it does not have. Of the four types of compensation to be published by the Region, three do not fall within its competence (see the last three columns of the table). The Region obviously has, but only, data on allowances for regional advisors and regional advisors. It also publishes them annually in the activity report of the Ethics Commission. However, it is not in a position to know all the possible remuneration that regional elected representatives may receive, in addition to their regional mandate allowances, under Article L. 4135-19-2-1, that is to say: * gross monthly allowances related to organisations associated with the Region; * gross monthly allowances linked to GCTC bodies (Part 5 Books VII and VIII); * gross monthly allowances related to local MES or their subsidiaries (Book 5, Part 5 of the GCTC). Regional elected representatives are therefore asked each year on a declaratory basis, with a view to the budgetary session, to communicate any allowances referred to above, received in the previous year.
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