Strategic noise maps — licensed highways — Type A map (Day) in Côte d’Or — 2nd deadline 2012-2017

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.28 06:44
Available languages
nuisance-bruit, inondation, geoscientific-information, donnees-ouvertes, azi, passerelle-inspire
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise sets out a common approach for all Member States of the European Union to avoid, prevent or reduce as a matter of priority the harmful effects of exposure to environmental noise. It was transposed into French law by order, ratified by the law of 26 October 2005 and is now included in the Environmental Code. This approach is based on a mapping of noise exposure, population information and the implementation of the Environmental Noise Prevention Plan (PPBE) at local level. Articles L572-1 to L572-11 and R572-1 to R572-11 of the Environmental Code define the competent authorities for issuing noise maps and environmental noise prevention plans. As regards the major road and rail infrastructure of the national network, noise maps and PPBEs are drawn up by the Prefect, in accordance with the conditions specified in the circular of 7 June 2007 on the preparation of noise maps and plans for the prevention of environmental noise and by the instruction of 23 July 2008. In the light of the circular of 7 June 2007 on the development of noise maps and plans for the prevention of noise in the environment, noise maps are to be drawn up for large infrastructure and in large agglomerations. This includes: — roadways used by more than 8200 vehicles/d — railway tracks with more than 82 train crossings/d — agglomerations with a population of more than 100 000 __Origin__ Production objectives: This AZI is intended to serve as a Porter to Knowledge. The approach is in line with the circulars of the Ministry of MEDAD 2002 and 2003. Sources used and dates of sources Atlas of the Garonne monograph 1989, paper document A3 Photos Aerials Black and White, paper document Implementation process: Direct input from photo-interpretation and field data. __Partner organisations__ DDT Côte-d'Or __Links annexes__ * [associated download service]( [See this page on](
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