Strategic noise maps of 4th deadline — Noise over 24 hours (Lden) realised in 2022

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.22 01:13
Available languages
cartes, bruit, geotiff, environnement, strategique, bruit-aerien, ppbe
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Regulatory obligations The European Directive 2002/49/EC was transposed into French law by order and ratified by the Law of 26 October 2005, it is now included in Articles L.572-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code. Noise maps are to be developed for large transport infrastructure and large agglomerations.These maps must be made available to the public.The noise maps allow for the development of Environmental Noise Prevention Plans (EPPPs). PPBEs tend to prevent the effects of noise, reduce noise levels if necessary and protect quiet areas. Noise maps and PPBEs must be reviewed every five years. Method of establishing noise maps Strategic noise maps made in 2022 allow diagnosis on all four sources following: road noise, rail noise, air noise and industrial noise. Noise maps shall take into account, in their calculations, the following: • noise sources: roads, railways, industrial plots, aircraft • receivers: points where the noise level is calculated to obtain the noise maps strategic and assess the exposure of sensitive populations and establishments; • physical characters: topography, global weather conditions, soil absorption, obstacles Calculations are carried out via acoustic modelling software, after the data have been preformed in order to obtain acoustic conformity. Noise levels and exposure statistics obtained follow calculation standards defined with the aim of maintaining consistency at national or even European level. For European comparison concerns, the calculations have been standardised by CNOSSOS-EU 2020 for road and rail noise. Two types of cards exist: type A that represent areas exposed to noise with a color scale; type C which represent areas exceeding the regulatory limit values. Lden (Level Day Evening Night) The value of the Lden noise index, expressed in A-weighted decibels (dB(A)), represents the total noise exposure level. It results from a weighted calculation taking into account the average noise levels determined over a year, for each of the three periods of the day, i.e. day (between 6 am and 6 pm), evening (between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.) and night (between 10 p.m. and 6 p.m.). The weights applied for the calculation of the Lden index are carried out over the evening and night periods in order to achieve a better representation of the discomfort perceived by residents throughout the day.
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