Subsidised housing for private housing (archive)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2013.11.20 23:00
Available languages
habitat-prive, logements, ameliorations, aides-a-la-pierre, habitat-indigne, logement
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Number of subsidised housing units for improving private housing by municipality from 2007 to 2012 * * * The number of subsidised housing includes all the housing units that have benefited from a grant from the National Housing Agency that the Department of Hauts-de-Seine has awarded as part of the delegation of competence for aid to stone. These are dwellings owned by occupant owners (subject to resource conditions) who carry out improvement works. It may also be private rental housing (mostly subject to rent ceilings and to be rented to tenants subject to resource ceilings) owned by landlords who carry out improvement work. Finally, this grant concerns condominium dwellings whose common areas are the subject of improvement works. This dataset also includes subsidised housing to combat unworthy habitat. The scheme for private housing aid was amended in 2013. As a result, this dataset is no longer powered. **Lexic** Unworthy Habitat The Law on Mobilisation for Housing and Combating Exclusion (Law MLLE of 25 March 2009) defines as unworthy habitat “places used for housing purposes and unsuitable by nature for this purpose, as well as dwellings whose condition, or that of the building in which they are located, exposes occupants to obvious risks that may affect their physical safety or health”. Unworthy habitat covers unhealthy dwellings, buildings and premises, premises where lead is accessible (Saturnin risk), buildings threatening to fall into ruins, dangerous furnished hotels and precarious habitats. These dwellings requiring major work are eligible for increased subsidies. **Special observations** The accounting rules for unworthy housing changed between 2007 and 2011. **Related data** [Subsidised housing for private housing]( (since 2013)
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