SUP — ICPE or underground storage sites generating PM3 easements as part of a PPRT

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.10.28 06:38
Available languages
planning-cadastre, ddt-54, pm-3, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire
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Dataset description

PM3 easements result from the establishment of technological risk prevention plans (PPRTs) designed to limit the effects of ' accidents likely to occur in facilities classified for the protection of #x27; environment (ICPE) on the list provided for in IV of #x27; Article L. 515-8 of the Code of #x27; environment or underground storage referred to in point #x27; Article 3-1 of the mining code and which may have effects on public health, health and safety directly or by pollution of the environment. These plans define, around these facilities or storages, a perimeter of ' exposure to risks. Within this perimeter, PPRTs can: — delimiting areas in which the construction of new structures and new structures and the extension of existing structures are prohibited or subject to compliance with requirements relating to construction, use or operation, — provide, within these zones, for the sectors in which a right of abandonment of buildings or parts of buildings existing on the date of #x27 may be introduced; approval of the plan, d' and sectors where expropriation is possible, — prescribing measures to protect populations (including work on existing buildings) that must be undertaken by owners, operators and users within the time limits determined by the plan. This resource describes locally ICPEs or underground storage sites generating PM3 easements __Origin__ According to the current CNIG standard, state of the heritage of the geographical data used in the port-to-know of l’'state — by digitising the regulated perimeter d'a PPRT — by reuse of the resource N_PERIMETRE_PPRT_AAAANNNN_S d’#x27; the same PPRT and described by the Geostandard COVADIS PPRN-PPRT — by reuse of the resource N_PM3_GENERATEUR_SUP_S described by the Geostandard COVADIS Servitudes d'Utility Public and rendered obsolete by this CNIG standard __Partner organisations__ DDT Meurthe-et-Moselle __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [geoportail of urban planning]( [See this page on](
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