**This set consists of raw data of the measurements of the surface probes collected on 12 reference plots of the Conseil départemental de la Haute-Garonne and Réseau31.**
These data, updated daily, are essential benchmarks for the development of a strategy for the management and control of irrigation. It is necessary to adapt them in a context of several dimensions: rainfall, irrigation, climate demand, soil type, characteristics of irrigation equipment.
In the end, irrigants in the department have decision support tools and advice to adapt their irrigation and protect water resources:
* a [**Irrigation Bulletin**](https://www.haute-garonne.fr/bulletin-irrigation-optimiser-les-apports-en-eau-pour-les-cultures-dete) drawn up in partnership between the Conseil départemental de la Haute-Garonne, Réseau31 and the Haute-Garonne Chamber of Agriculture. This newsletter is sent to irrigants and is available for download at [haute-garonne.fr](https://www.haute-garonne.fr/).
* a **planned water balance** to manage irrigation at the plot,
* **advice and expertise** provided by the network [of agri-environment advisors](https://www.haute-garonne.fr/nos-services/nos-missions/agriculture-environnement-et-cadre-de-vie/des-conseillers-au-service-des) of the Departmental Council.
Irrigants can be equipped with tensiometric or capacitive probes that allow them to have data on their plots. This type of equipment is eligible for support from the Regional Development Programme (RDDP) via measure 4.1.3 for specific agri-environmental investments.
**_Read more_
Tensiometry is the measure of tension of water from the soil, in other words, the suction force that the root must exert to extract water from the soil. When the ground dries, its tension rises. The ground, sometimes compared to a tank, behaves more like a wick that moves water, as long as this wick remains initiated. Tensiometry measures the state of operation of the soil and the availability of water for the roots. It is a universal technique that makes it possible to control any irrigation system, on any soil, any crop, any climate and its fields of application are agricultural irrigation, the takeover of transplanted trees and studies on soil lift and stability.
Rainfall data and irrigation are the cumulative values recorded over a given period (weekly). The dataset specifies the start and end dates of the cumulation period. 6 probes (3 to 30 cm deep, and 3 to 60 cm deep) constitute the surface survey device implanted on each plot. The tensiometric reading values present in each record of the dataset correspond to the median of the measurements at 30 cm and 60 cm respectively. The interpretation of surface measurements in relation to threshold values depends on the value of the densitometric surveys, the nature of the soil, the irrigation water tower and the stage of development of the plant. It is given as an indication.
**Useful contacts**
**_Direction of Agroecology_**
****Departmental Council of Haute-Garonne
1, boulevard de la marquette — 31090 Toulouse Cedex 9
Tel. 05 34 33 48 25
E-mail: [
[email protected]](
[email protected] mailto:mailto:
[email protected] ≈ ≈)
[Contact an agri-environment advisor on your sector](https://www.haute-garonne.fr/nos-services/nos-missions/agriculture-environnement-et-cadre-de-vie/des-conseillers-au-service-des)
**_Network 31
_**Mixed trade union working on all the competences of the water cycle: drinking water, collective sanitation, non-collective sanitation, rainwater, irrigation, raw water supply...
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