Surface generators related to the easements of protected agricultural areas (category A9) in Haute-Savoie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.06 07:05
Available languages
gestionnaire-130009764, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, categorie-a-9, usage-des-sols, emprise-074, environment, sites-proteges
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Dataset description

Category A9 easements concern protected agricultural areas, i.e. agricultural areas whose preservation is of general interest either because of the quality of their production or their geographical location may be classified as protected agricultural areas. In municipalities not endowed with a local plan; an approved urban planning or an approved urban planning document; an urban planning document taking the place of: — any change in land use that permanently alters the agronomic, biological or economic potential of #x27; a protected agricultural area must be subject to the opinion of the Chamber of #x27; Agriculture and the Departmental Commission of #x27; Direction of Agriculture. In the event of an unfavourable opinion of #x27;a of them, the change may only be authorised by a reasoned decision of the Prefect. — any change in the mode of land use that permanently alters the agronomic, biological or economic potential of #x27; a protected agricultural area must be subject to the opinion of the Chamber of #x27; Agriculture and the Departmental Commission of #x27; Direction of Agriculture. In the event of an unfavourable opinion of #x27;a of them, the change may only be authorised by a reasoned decision of the Prefect. In municipalities with a local plan, an approved urban plan or an approved urban planning document; an urban planning document taking the place of: — any change in land use that permanently alters the agronomic, biological or economic potential of #x27; a protected agricultural area must be subject to the opinion of the Chamber of #x27; Agriculture and the Departmental Commission of #x27; Direction of Agriculture. In the event of an unfavourable opinion of #x27;a of them, the change may only be authorised by a reasoned decision of the Prefect. — the planning documents must be made compatible with the objectives of the ZAP and the authorisations envisaged under the urban planning code must not prejudice the agronomic, biological or economic potential of the agricultural area. This resource describes the surface generators of Class A9 easements, i.e. agricultural areas classified as protected agricultural areas. __Origin__ According to the state of the heritage of the geographical data used in the port-to-know of the \#x27; State-by digitisation of the protected agricultural areas, from the Parcellar BD or the Computerised Cadastral Plan Vector- by re-use of the resource N_A9_GENERATEUR_SUP_S described by the Geostandard COVADIS Servitudes d’' Public Utility and rendered obsolete by this CNIG standard __Partner organisations__ DDT Haute-Savoie __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Table containing surface generators related to Class A9 easements]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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