Surface issues for the preparation of flood crisis management in Corrèze.

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.10.12 06:38
Available languages
geoscientific-information, risque-inondation, batiments, passerelle-inspire, zones-a-risque-naturel, hydrographie, donnees-ouvertes, sante-et-securite-des-personnes
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Dataset description

L_ENJEUX_RDI_S_019.TAB This layer is produced by DDT 19, based on the bd Topo (IGN) and locally collected data. The stakes were seized in the flood areas monitored by the flood forecasting service of the Dordogne (SPC GAD) see layer L_ZI_HAUTEUR_ECHELLE_S_019.TAB. The stakes were classified by category (useful crisis management, sensitive establishments, polluting installations...) and by nature. In the table, an indication of the height of n°#x27;water from which the object is flooded has been carried. __Origin__ The bd topo database of l'IGN allowed to identify a large number of sensitive establishments. The tables used are listed in the document attached to this sheet. The data were supplemented by the field knowledge of the DDT and by several databases recovered from our partners: base FINESS (source ARS), high schools (academic inspection), agricultural high schools (source DRAAF), sports equipment (source DDCSPP), ROSEAU database of waste water treatment plants (source SANDRE), classified facilities for the protection of l’' environment subject to authorisation (source DREAL), collection (source ARS), connection nodes d' subscribers (NRA source AXIONE Limousin), dikes (source DDT table L_DIGUES_019.TAB), monitoring network of courses d'water (table N_STATION_MESURE_EAU_P_019.TAB source SPC). Once the challenges identified within flood zones (SSC water envelopes — validity 1/25000e), these were classified by category (useful crisis management, sensitive establishments, outdoor or recreational habitat, polluting installations, transport equipment, sensitive technical installations, ICT network, zones d’#x27; activities, monitoring stations for water, viaire, works) and by nature (see class details). L' identifier of the bd topo has been retained, as well as the indication of the reference river, the name of the n°#x27; scale of measurement, and the height of n°#x27; water from which the object is flooded (be careful, this height of #x27; water is indicative since it comes from tables mapped at 1/25000e). __Partner organisations__ DDT Corrèze __Links annexes__ * [HTML view of metadata on the Internet]( * [XML metadata view]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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