Table containing point generators related to AS1 easements (establishment of drinking and mineral water protection perimeters) in the Upper Rhine

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.27 06:54
Available languages
protection, as-1, donnees-ouvertes, servitude, planning-cadastre, passerelle-inspire, point-de-captage, eau-potable, generateur
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Dataset description

Category AS1 easements relate to relative easements resulting from the introduction of drinking and mineral water protection boundaries. Two categories of water protection easements should be distinguished, namely: the protection perimeters established under Articles L. 1321-2 and R. 1321-13 of the Public Health Code around water withdrawal points intended for drinking water intended for human communities, with a view to ensuring the protection of the quality of this water, whether it be the abstraction of spring water, groundwater or surface water (watercourses, lakes, holdings, etc.): — perimeter of immediate protection whose land is to be acquired in full ownership by the beneficiary of the DUP and within which any activity is prohibited outside those expressly authorised by the declaratory act of public utility; — perimeter which must be closed unless there is no physical impossibility or natural topographical obstacle providing equivalent protection, perimeter of protection close to #x27; within which all kinds of installations, works, activities, depots, structures, development or land use may be prohibited or regulated which may directly or indirectly impair the quality of the water, — where applicable, remote protection perimeter within which the above mentioned installations, works, activities, depots, structures, land use or land use may be regulated. the perimeter of protection established under Articles L. 1322-3 to L. 1322-13 of the Public Health Code around a mineral water source declared in the public interest, in order to avoid any alteration or decrease of that source. It is a perimeter within which: — no polling, no underground work may be carried out without prior authorisation from the State representative in the department, — it may be required to declare, at least one month in advance, excavations, trenches for the extraction of materials or any other object, foundations of houses, cellars or other open works, — other activities, depots or installations capable of directly or indirectly impairing the quality of the water may also be subject to authorisation or declaration by the decree establishing the perimeter, — the work, activities, deposits or installations referred to above and undertaken, either by virtue of a regular authorisation or after a prior declaration, may, at the request of the owner of the source, be prohibited by the representative of the State in the department. This resource describes the point generators of the AS1 easements, i.e. the capture points or mineral source __Origin__ According to the state of the heritage of the geographical data used in the port-to-know of l’'State- by digitising the capture points and mineral sources from the large-scale repository (PCI vector, parcel BD)- by reuse of the resource N_AS1_GENERATEUR_SUP_P described by the Geostandard COVADIS Servitudes d’' Public Utility and rendered obsolete by this CNIG standard __Partner organisations__ DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine/MiCAT/PIG, DDT Haut-Rhin __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Table containing point generators related to AS1 easements]( * [simple download (Atom) of the game and associated documents via the internet]( [See this page on](
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