Taxon appellations — APT

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.03.05 06:38
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, taxref, omnidia, taxon, environment, passerelle-inspire, appellation-du-taxon
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Repository of Appellations de Taxon du SANDRE. This repository is developed in response to requests for codifications of ' users. The Sandre Technical Secretariat controls the quality of this repository, it is the administrator of this reference. A Taxon Appellation is a designation of \#x27; a taxon that is a generic unit that refers to the systematic — form of classification derived from the same ancestor. Depending on whether the origin of the taxon rises more or less high, we will have upper taxa (branches, classes) or lower taxons (genres, species, breeds). Sometimes the discovery of a taxon attributed to one researcher is questioned by another, which leads to an Appellation of the Taxon to be seen as: — "Referent; vis-à-vis d' Other Synonyms of the Taxon, — "Synonyms" D' Another Taxon Referring Appellation. __Origin__ The data comes from requests from EIS users. They are made via this tool: __Partner organisations__ ASH __Links annexes__ * [see scenario of #x27; data exchange " Dissemination of repositories by Sandre" version 3.1 on the Sandre website]( * [download data according to scenario d' exchange version 3.1 — XML format]( * [download data according to scenario d'exchange version 3.1 — CSV format]( * [download data according to scenario d'exchange version 3.1 — JSON Format]( * [see l'Taxonomic Tree — HTML Format]( [See this page on](
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