Tension of the housing market in Brittany in 2018 synthetic map

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 13:36
Available languages
indice-composite, bretagne, programme-immobilier, passerelle-inspire, tension, donnees-ouvertes, logement-abordable, zone-tendue, society, marche-de-lhabitat, offre-de-logement, pression, habitat
Quality scoring

Dataset description

A new update was initiated from 2016 on the basis of updated data and requested indicators. This work was carried out with the EPF and focuses mainly on: — the extension of the methodology to 11 indicators (2 additional indicators on social rental demand and vacancy of more than 3 years). — completeness of land and house price data through the input of the DVF database. — the abandonment of the share of new buildings completed in the year (estimated) and its replacement by the rate of new construction per 1,000 inhabitants. __Origin__ The construction of the index was done in 4 steps: definition of the conceptual model (the concept of ‘affordable housing’), standardisation of indicators, weighting and aggregation of standardised indicators Sources of indicators: INSEE, FILOCOM, CNAF, EPTB, data from local observatories, Adils and ADEUPa Indicators composing l' index: Weight of the municipal population in relation to the regional population (2010), Employment at the workplace of persons aged 15 to 64 (2008), Household rates with a reference person under 60 years of age and whose total income/UCM < poverty line) (2010), Secondary residence rates in relation to the main residence park (2010), Average land price compared to the regional average (2010), selling prices for single-family homes of ' second-hand compared to the regional average (2010), Rate of ' private rental park allotments with a rate of #x27; effort > 39 % in the Rental Park (2007), Rate of HLM Residences in relation to the rental park (2010), Number of new buildings completed compared to the RP Park (2010) Weighting (in the following order of indicators): 10, 15, 15, 5, 5, 5, 5, 20, 20 A counter-expertise phase made it possible to make adjustments “to say of experts” on the basis of local studies, local studies; expertise of local observatories and delegates of aid to the Pierre de Bretagne Production of the data: creation of a database to the municipality built by integration of the various indicators making up the index. Geographic file generated by join (INSEE code) of the communal polygons of the table & common " from l'IGN BD CARTO and from the database to the municipality. Repository: BD CARTO©®IGN. Date of reference: 01/07/2008 __Partner organisations__ DREAL Bretagne [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/36a46caf8b575e8c07ab113609ecdd64b626b7d0)
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