Territorial Climate-Energy Plans (PCETs) supported by a Public Institution of Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) in Pays de la Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.24 06:38
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, air-climat, grand-public, open-data, passerelle-inspire, pays-de-la-loire, developpement-durable, dreal, climatologie
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Dataset description

List of Public Establishment of Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) with a Climate-Energy Territorial Plan (PCET) — compulsory or voluntary — in the Pays de la Loire region. A PCET is a territorial sustainable development project aimed at combating climate change. Established by the National Climate Plan and taken over by Grenelle laws, it is a framework of commitment for the territory. The ETCP has two objectives: mitigation: limiting the impact of the territory on the climate by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adaptation: reduce the vulnerability of the territory. __Origin__ Selection of urban communities, communities of #x27; agglomeration and communities of more than 50,000 inhabitants (compulsory PCETs) and census of voluntary EPCIs and creation of perimeters from the geometric objects of the GEOFLA® layer Commons of l'IGN. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Pays de la Loire [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/54ab390c2da95eb9558fadee6afbec1fc7891802)
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