[ Dictionary Public](https://data.bordeaux-metropole.fr/dicopub/#/dico#se_pt_s)
This dataset represents the scope of interventions of the 4 territorial clusters (PT) that were created on 1 January 2016 to strengthen the territorialisation of Bordeaux Métropole as part of its Metropolisation project (Maptam Law). Points for users and interlocutors for entrepreneurs, responsible for investment operations in public spaces (roads and networks) they participate in the design of development projects, formulate opinions on land use authorisations, read the “city policy”, monitor school transport, monitor public spaces. They have a privileged relationship with the municipalities within their perimeter. A contract of engagement between Bordeaux Métropole and the municipalities defines the level of service expected for each activity and makes it possible to organise the exercise of the activities shared within the common services.
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This dataset is available in an additional format:
[Download in AutoCAD DWG format](https://fr.ftp.opendatasoft.com/scnbdx/DWG/SE_PT_S.dwg)
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