The state and competitiveness of air transport: a complex role, a strategy to be developed

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2017.09.05 11:33
Available languages
aeroports, juridictions-financieres, senat, cour-des-comptes, transport-aerien, regulateurs, competitivite
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Dataset description

The competitiveness of air transport, a growing economic sector facing many challenges, relies on several stakeholders: State, air navigation providers, airlines, airports, regulators... In an investigation carried out at the request of the Senate Finance Committee, the Court finds that the State intervenes in this sector with contradictory objectives linked to its multiple roles — to accompany the complementarity of modes of transport, to guarantee the loyalty of competition, to preserve the connectivity of the territories, and to fight against social “dumping” — without overall logic or strategy. The efficiency of its action can be improved and there is room for manoeuvre in the tax and regulatory fields. Moreover, air transport cannot be freed from an international strategy. The Court makes eight recommendations. This report is available on [the Court’s website] ( The published files correspond to the data used in the preparation of the report.
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