Tobacco and related products reported on the French market

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.09 15:02
Available languages
tabac, vapotage
Quality scoring

Dataset description

[enter image description here]( “enter the title of the image here”)According to the provisions mentioned in Articles 9, 14 and 19 of the Order of 22 August 2016 on tobacco products, vaping, and smoking based on plants other than tobacco and on paper for rolling cigarettes, ANSES must publish the information relating to these products. This information is raw data extracted from the declarations and notifications made by manufacturers and importers of these products under the conditions laid down in Articles L.3512-17, L.3513-10 and L.3514-5 of the Public Health Code and the texts adopted for their application. For the purpose of publishing the information provided for in the regulations, ANSES has not carried out any processing or analysis of this information and cannot, therefore, guarantee its content or its accuracy. In addition, ANSES conducts an evaluation of each declarative file in terms of regulatory compliance and quality (missing data, incoherent data...). Deviations shall be notified to manufacturers in order to take corrective action by acting on the products marketed or by updating their declarations. The list of products affected by these deviations and their nature shall be made public. The same files, in XLSX format, are available on For more information on the data format:
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