Tourist information France.

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.03.15 09:37
Available languages
musee-de-france, opendata, hotels, monuments-historiques, application-mobile, musees, application, monuments-religieux, monuments, logements, musee, monument, hotel, applications, monument-historique, logement
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Here is a dataset that offers valuable information to developers to create apps for tourists in France. I offer you three lists: 1. List of hotels in France. 2. List of museums in France. 3. List of historical monuments in France. **HOTELS IN FRANCE:** You will find in [this document]( ), a huge list of hotels. You will find information on the type of the property, the rating (star number), the name of the hotel, the address with the postal code and the municipality where they are located, the mail, the capacity to accommodate, the number of rooms. You will even find the website. [Hotel du Printemps Paris]( “enter the title of the image here”) **Musées DE FRANCE (Year 2014):** [This list]( ) brings together all museums labeled “Musée de France” in a single document. You will find the name of the region where each museum is located, the name of the department, if it is closed or not, the name of the museum, the full address, if it has an annex, the website, the annual closure and the schedule of the museum. [Museum of Orsay]( “enter the title of the image here”) **HISTORICAL MONUMENTS OF FRANCE (Year 2012):** In [the following list]( ), you will find all the details necessary to make an excellent application to monuments classified historical on the French territory. They are classified by locality, region, department and commune. You will also find information on the type of monument (village, theatre, church, temple, cemetery, bridge, etc). The exact address, information about the owner of the building and other useful information. [Château Chambord]( “enter the title of the image here”) You will find in the resources below an example of a website that was able to use these datasets to create its list of hotels.
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