Positioning of the boundaries of the perimeter(s) of protection of the sampling points of the natural environment for the production of natural mineral water declared to be of public interest.The limits of these perimeters shall be determined by the administrative authority.The easements attached to the protection of mineral waters are established pursuant to Articles L. 1322-3 to L. 1322-13 of the Public Health Code.L' base d' an easement is the spatial field (i.e., the geographical area) to the #x27th; within which the easement applies. This space field can be defined either in 2D or 3D in particular in the specific cases of airport release easements, protection easements of radio transmission centres.
Thematic source: state of the heritage of the geographical data used in the port-to-know of the State.
The proposed list of SUPs is not exhaustive.
The information is given for information purposes and not of enforceable value.
__Partner organisations__
DDTM Somme
__Links annexes__
* [XML metadata view](http://ogc.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/csw/all-dataset?REQUEST=GetRecordById&SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&RESULTTYPE=results&elementSetName=full&TYPENAMES=gmd:MD_Metadata&OUTPUTSCHEMA=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&ID=fr-120066022-jdd-015d4f98-fa2b-4c88-875b-9e43a6f867e1)
* [COVADIS data standard: Zones d' prohibition of #x27; access related to EL11 easements (Road Access)](http://geostandards.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/afficherPageStandard.do?jeu=N_EL11_ASSIETTE_SUP_S)
[See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/b698e731e347a244a8689fcb30489045b1d2da5d)
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