TRANSPORT: Network 67 and School Transport — Reinstatement 2015/2016 — Department of Bas-Rhin (67)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 12:49
Available languages
transport-en-commun, geoportail, departement-du-bas-rhin-67, reseau-67, passerelle-inspire, transports-scolaires, transport-de-voyageurs, donnees-ouvertes, transportation, transport, localisation-du-transport, politique-du-transport, reseau-de-transport
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Conseil départemental du Bas-Rhin transports nearly 42,000 students, outside urban transport perimeters (CUS-CTS, Ritmo), from kindergarten to baccalaureate. This is the school transport network (TS). Network 67 is the intercity transport network; it has 48 regular lines that sway the entire department. It is intended for the general public. Are available in geographical form: • school lines (TS) • Regular lines of Network 67 (R67) The layouts of regular lines vary depending on the services: the points d' stop served are not the same depending on the time of day or the day of the week. Details of each of these routes are available. A synthesis plot of each line has also been constructed: C' is the most representative route of the line. It can be used for simplified cartographic representation needs. The points d' stop (PA) available are: • School PA • Regular PA • Mixed PA (both school and regular) The join between PA and lines is done via a file also available. They are located by GPS verse. The update is carried out over the course of the water to make the changes, especially for points d' stop. Significant changes to the lines of the Strasbourg transport basin are to be noted as of 1 September 2014. The data available here reflects these changes. Data available in open license (Etalab). __Origin__ The route of transport lines (Network 67 and Transport Schools) is derived from an automated mapping carried out in s' based on the points d' stop entered (by GPS) in the logciel PEGASE (School transport management software). The result of automated mapping is then ' cleaned; in order to make it workable in a GIS. However, the path resulting from this work is not always the route actually taken in the field (this one does not need to be #x27; be known for the management needs of the Department, only points d’#x27; stop and the times of passage at these points are useful). The line layout is available either in detail (i.e. all cicuits are represented; they are variable according to the time of the week and the day of the week, either in the form of a synthesis (which is the most representative of the line). __Partner organisations__ Bas-Rhin Departmental Council (CD67) [See this page on](
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