Travel of Presidents of the Republic and Prime Ministers since 1945

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.06.27 12:53
Available languages
president-de-la-republique, 20e-siecle, premier-ministre, politique, relations-diplomatiques, histoire, archives, deplacement-officiel
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Official Travel Service, under the authority of the Directorate-General of the National Police, is responsible for security measures around the President of the Republic and senior French personalities, as well as the organisation of official travel. Archives produced in connection with these missions are kept in the National Archives. The various detailed inventories have made it possible to establish a structured and detailed chronological list of the movements of Presidents of the Republic and prime ministers since 1945. This list of more than 2,400 trips in France and abroad does not claim to be exhaustive, but rather offers a fairly rich geographical and chronological panorama. The following are accessible: * for the President of the Republic: 1114 travel, 65 countries, for the period 1945-2006; * for the Prime Minister: 1292 trips, 114 countries, for the period 1964-2008. The dataset made available shall consist of the following information: * Function: President of the Republic or Prime Minister; * Individual; * Location: based on the content of the initial inventory; * Standardised location: Department or region for France; * Country; * Start date; * End date; * URL(s) of the leaflet; * Rating(s); * Initial contents of the inventory: this field may provide additional information on the type of travel, the different stages of a trip (especially abroad), or even the mention of photographs. A map access is proposed here, based on the contours of the column _standard location_ (main sources used: [Opendatasoft]( and [angelodlfrtr]( The archives of the Official Travel Service available at the National Archives generally consist of the following: detailed travel schedule (sometimes printed brochure), order of official cars, table plan, safety notes and correspondence, press clippings. These data should be supplemented with the archives of the photographic services of the Presidency of the Republic and the Prime Minister, partly digitised: * [photo reports of the Heads of State and Presidents of the Republic (1938-1959)](; * [photo reports of Charles de Gaulle’s presidency](; * [photo reports of the presidency of Georges Pompidou](; * [photo service of the Prime Minister]( The data will be updated during subsequent official travel service archival payments.
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