(Tri) High flood risk territories in Pays de la Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.10.31 23:05
Available languages
lutte-contre-les-inondations, territoires, eau
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This data, produced in the context of the Flood Directive, identifies the municipalities concerned by the territories at significant risk of flooding. A TRI is defined as an area where flood-exposed issues, whether from marine submersions, stream overflows or any other origin, are highly concentrated. It is identified on the basis of national criteria based on population and employment within the potentially flooding areas identified in the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (EPRI) and the priorities set by the basin authorities. The list of IRRs was drawn up by the Basin Coordinating Prefect (Prefectural Order of 26 November 2012). The identification of IRRs in the implementation of the Flood Directive follows a logic of prioritisation of actions and resources provided by the State in its flood management policy. To this end, these territories will be subject to: \- a mapping of the risks to flood phenomena characterising the territory by the end of 2013; \- local flood risk management strategies at the level of potentially affected watersheds whose objectives and perimeter are to be identified by 2014. IRR assessments and designations are carried out every 6 years: additional IRRs will be designated in the next phase. For more information, visit the website of DREAL Pays-de-la-Loire/Heading Flood Directive (http://www.pays-de-la-loire.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/la-directive-inondations-r946.html)
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