Twitter accounts related to French audiovisual

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.06.30 15:03
Available languages
emissions, twitter, reseau-sociaux, audiovisuel, micro-bloging, television, programmes, radio
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The legal deposit of the audiovisual web is the part of the legal deposit entrusted by the legislator to the National Audiovisual Institute (Law No 2006-961 of 1 August 2006 on copyright and related rights in the information society, known as the DADVSI Law). It started in February 2009 with the collection of websites (audiovisual media services and communication to the public online) and since 2014 includes social networks (including Twitter accounts) related to French audiovisual. These can be accounts linked to audiovisual programmes or accounts of personalities in the audiovisual sector. The identification of these accounts is carried out through referencing tools and diligent monitoring work carried out by multimedia documentalists of the National Audiovisual Institute. Tweets (and their metadata) related to these accounts are collected, archived and indexed. They can thus become objects of study. The dataset contains the identification of the completeness of Twitter accounts collected by the INA since 2014 and provides, when available, documentary information (account-related programmes and channels, profession in the case of a VIP account, etc.) and metrics (number of subscribers, number of subscriptions, etc.) as of July 2019. The tweets themselves can only be consulted in the right-of-way of the INA, the custodian institution of this legal deposit. The game is accompanied by a data dictionary defining each of its attributes. The re-use of personal data in the data sets published by Ina constitutes the processing of personal data as defined by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 known as the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) and Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, files and freedoms as amended, hereinafter together the “Data Protection Regulation”. The re-user is therefore subject to compliance with the legal framework resulting from the Data Protection Regulation so that this re-use of personal data is lawful. In any event, Ina declines all responsibility for non-compliance by a re-user with the aforementioned regulations.
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