Urban Partnership Projects (PUP) on Rennes Métropole

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.26 00:00
Available languages
urbanisme, schema-durbanisation
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This layer of polygons lists the perimeters of the Urban Partnership Projects (PUP) on Rennes Métropole. A Partnership Urban Project (PUP) is a contractualised financing method. Created by Article 43 of Law No 2009-323 of 25 March 2009, a PUP is a new form of participation in the financing of public facilities. In the territory of Rennes Métropole, different PUPs are identified (see information awarded in the GIS database): \- perimeters of urban partnership projects (PUP) under Article L.332-11-3 I of the Urban Planning Code, established by an agreement signed by the various partners; \- extended scopes of participation (PUP so-called “forced” or “enlarged”) established under article L.332-11-3 II of the Urbanism Code, established by deliberation of the competent community. These “enlarged” PUPs are established for a period of 15 years. Their scope integrates that of the PUPs created under Article L.332-11-3 I of the Urban Planning Code and are Additional description (sources: Article L332-11-3 of the Urbanism Code, as amended by Ordinance n°2015-1174 of 23 September 2015 — Art. 5. Information collected on 14/02/2017): In urban areas and areas to be urbanised delimited by the PLUs or town planning documents taking place, where one or more development or construction operations require the realisation of equipment other than the own equipment referred to in Article L. 332-15, the owner(s) of the land, the developer(s) and the builder(s) may conclude with the municipality or public establishment competent for the local planning plan or the representative of the State, in the context of operations of national interest mentioned in Article L. 132-1, a partnership urban project agreement providing for the financial support of all or part of such equipment. Where public facilities intended to be the subject of a first partnership urban project agreement serve land other than those mentioned in the draft convention, by decision of their deliberative body, the municipality or public establishment competent in matters of local urban planning, or the representative of the State by decree, in the context of operations of national interest, shall lay down the arrangements for sharing the costs of the equipment and delimit a perimeter within which the landowners, planners or builders who undertake development or construction operations participate, within the framework of agreements, in the management of the same public facilities, whether they are still to be carried out or already carried out, provided that they meet the needs of the future inhabitants or users of their operations. Successively established agreements may cover different public equipment programmes where the construction operations expected in each agreement area do not require the same equipment needs. The scope of a PUP is defined by deliberation by the municipal council or the legislative body of the public establishment or, in the context of operations of national interest, by prefectural decree, for a maximum period of 15 years. Also: Before the conclusion of the agreement, persons entitled to submit an application for a building or development permit may apply to the municipality or to the public inter-municipal cooperation institution competent in matters of local planning or from the representative of the State in the context of operations of national interest that they study the development or construction project and that the project be discussed within the deliberative body. The competent authority may grant this request. The application shall be accompanied by a file containing the delimitation of the perimeter of the development or construction project, the definition of the project and the list of public facilities to be carried out to meet the needs of the future inhabitants or users of the buildings to be built within the perimeter. This agreement may charge landowners, planners or builders only the cost of the public equipment to be carried out to meet the needs of the future inhabitants or users of the buildings to be built within the scope set by the agreement or, where the capacity of the planned equipment exceeds those needs, the proportion of the cost proportional to them. The agreement lays down the deadlines for payment. The contribution may be paid in the form of a financial contribution or contributions from built or unbuilt land. This data comes from the information collected from the municipalities of Rennes Métropole (via the Sols Law department, supplemented occasionally by territorial urban planners) or from data managers, in the current state of knowledge. The attribute “observations” available in the database specifies the validity of the information. This layer contains archived data. They are identifiable via the field named “archive” entered by “true”.
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