Urban planning-Situation of municipalities vis-à-vis Article 55 of the law SRU-Grand Poitiers

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2021.05.18 10:23
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batiments, equipements, logement, sru, urbanisme, logement-social, amenagement-du-territoire
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Dataset description

Article 55 of the Law SRU of 2000, amended in particular by the Law DALO of 2007, the Duflot Law of 2013 and the Equality-Citizenship Act of 2017 (cf. the Construction and Housing Code, Article L302-5 et seq.) stipulates that municipalities with a population of at least 1 500 inhabitants in Ile-de-France and 3 500 inhabitants in the other regions which are included, within the meaning of the population census, in an agglomeration or a public intercommunal cooperation establishment with own taxation of more than 50 000 inhabitants comprising at least one commune of more than 15,000 inhabitants, must have 25 % of the main housing units in their residence. This rate is reduced to 20 % in some “unstretched” territories, of which Grand Poitiers is one. The municipalities concerned subject to a levy on their tax resources proportional to the number of dwellings missing compared to the target of 20 % or 25 %. They also have obligations to produce social housing in order to meet the 2025 target. The social housing units taken into account for the application of this law are: (1) rental housing belonging to HLM organisations, except, in metropolitan France, those built, or acquired and improved as of 1977 and not subject to an APL agreement; (2) Other dwellings agreed to by APL and whose access is subject to resource conditions; (3) Housing belonging to mixed-economy companies of the overseas departments, dwellings belonging to the mining and chemical enterprise, coal mines and coalfields of France; (4) Housing or beds of housing-homes for elderly people, persons with disabilities, young workers, migrant workers and housing-homes known as social residences, agreed upon, as well as the places of accommodation and social reintegration centres and reception centres for asylum seekers; Part OF 2017 5° Family rental land in service, intended for the extended installation of mobile residences, the realisation of which is provided for in the departmental plan of reception of Travellers; Part OF 2017 6° Private park dwellings that are the subject of a rental intermediation device leased to an approved organisation for subletting, whether or not furnished, to disadvantaged persons. For a period of five years after the expiry of the APL agreement, dwellings whose agreement has expired shall be counted. The owners and managers of these dwellings on the municipalities concerned send the list every year before 1 July to the Direction Départemantale des Territoire (DDT). The DDT shall communicate each year before 1 September to each municipality concerned the inventories concerning it; the municipality has 2 months to submit its observations. The DDT shall notify the number of dwellings selected to each municipality before 31 December. The principal residences used to calculate the rate are those included in the roll established for the collection of the housing tax. This figure is available at the beginning of year N+ 1. Notes: in 2015, the data are not available for the municipality of Montamisé because the municipality reached 3,500 inhabitants that year. In 2016, the data are not available for the municipalities of Chauvigny and Saint-Georges-les-Baillargeaux as these municipalities are only concerned since they entered Grand Poitiers on 01/01/2017.
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