Vacant dwellings in the private fleet by vacancy period, by municipality and by EPCI

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.06.03 07:50
Available languages
logements, logements-vacants, lovac, parc-prive
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Dataset description

**Context** As part of the National Plan to Combat Vacancy Housing (, a dataset on vacant dwellings, Lovac data were implemented by the DHUP in partnership with CEREMA Hauts-de-France. Derived from the intersection of 1767BISCOM files and Retired Fonciers Files by CEREMA (, this file is an aggregate extraction of Lovac data now available in open data by commune and EPCI. **Dataset presentation:** These data allow the number of vacant private stock dwellings per municipality and EPCI and by vacancy period to be counted. They make it possible to distinguish between short-term, so-called frictional vacancy and long-term, so-called structural, vacancy target of the national plan to combat vacant housing. At the national level, as of 01/01/2020, 3,074 million dwellings in the private stock are vacant (9.5 %) of which 1.909 million for less than two years (5.9 %) and 1.165 million for at least two years (3.6 %). The majority of vacant dwellings are therefore for a short period of time. This so-called frictional vacancy corresponds to the transition period between two occupants, it is necessary for the fluidity of the housing market. The indicators provide information on the vacancy of housing in the private stock as of 01/01/2020, at the level of the municipality and the EPCI (Public Establishment for Inter-municipal Cooperation). The field covered is the whole of France. The geography of the municipalities and EPCI is the one in force on 1 January 2021. The secretisation threshold is 11 dwellings. Municipalities with less than 11 private stock units that have been vacant for less than two years and fewer than 11 private stock units that have been vacant for two years or more do not appear in these data. EPCIs not included in these data are those for which the number of short- or long-term vacant dwellings is less than 11 in all municipalities not available in the municipal register. The available fields are as follows: —Number of dwellings in the private park —Number of vacant dwellings in the private park —Number of private park dwellings vacant for less than two years —Number of private fleet dwellings vacant for two years or more —Discharge rates of private park dwellings —Rates of private park dwellings vacant for less than two years —Rates of private stock dwellings vacant for two years or more **Precautions of employment** Lovac data are derived from tax data which slightly overestimate the vacancy relative to the population census. This overstatement is due in particular to the fact that part of the “fiscally vacant” dwellings correspond to non-habitable dwellings (abandoned buildings, garages, etc.), destroyed or withdrawn from the market with a view to their demolition for which the tax information has not yet been updated. Very low or very high vacancy rates in some municipalities should be interpreted with caution. These extreme values generally relate to low numbers. Developments in the number of vacant dwellings year-over-year should be interpreted with caution, especially when housing volumes are low.
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