Verdon Park — Biodiversity reservoirs from the sub-trame of cultivated agricultural environments

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.02.03 10:25
Available languages
pnr-verdon, pnr, continuites-ecologiques, trame-verte-et-bleue, parc-naturel-regional, verdon
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Mapping of biodiversity reservoirs for the sub-trame of cultivated agricultural environments from the green and blue frame of the Verdon Regional Natural Park. Data produced internally by the Verdon Regional Natural Park on the basis of an analysis of the connections and/or favourability of the habitat produced by the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology (Aix-Marseille University). This data is being updated and is likely to evolve. **Field description:** * Continu_sp: Species ecological continuity (target species used to characterise ecological continuity). * Continuous_2: Other target species justifying the maintenance or restoration of ecological continuity. Potentially, sector concerned by another issue of maintaining or restoring ecological continuity (other target species). * Sources: Describes the main sources of geographic information that guided the mapping. * Author: Author of the seizure. * Status: Status of ecological continuity. Assessment of the degree of functionality of ecological continuity. Guide to help prioritise interventions (intervention issues). *Notes: Useful additional information that can clarify certain issues. **Legend:** Title to be used to describe the biodiversity reservoirs of the sub-trame of open and semi-open environments. To be used for cartographic representation.
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