Watercourses of the regional green and blue frame (regional ecological coherence scheme) of Brittany

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.03.18 17:21
Available languages
corridors-ecologiques, hydrographie, continuites-ecologiques, schema-regional-de-coherence-eco, donnees-ouvertes, trame-verte-et-bleue, cours-d-eau, reservoirs-de-biodiversite, patrimoine-naturel-autres, biota, srce, tvb, bretagne
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Dataset description

Note: Regional blue frame water courses are both regional reservoirs of biodiversity and regional ecological corridors. Their mapping n'is only;indicative and it is appropriate to refer to the explanatory manual of the map. The rivers of watershed heads also integrated into the regional blue frame are not represented but there is no regional mapping. Rivers identified as regional reservoirs of biodiversity and regional ecological corridors in the regional ecological coherence scheme of Brittany. They result from cumulation: — rivers recognised either under Article L214-17 of the Environmental Code (lists 1 and 2) or under the Loire-Bretagne SDAGE (biological reservoirs and highly migratory routes); — the few rivers linking rivers in Lists 1 and 2 (parts of the Oust, Blavet and Canal de Nantes in Brest); — streams hosting spawning grounds identified under Articles R432-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code. Mapping the rivers of the regional green and blue frame is only indicative. Estuaries, which also belong to the rivers of the regional green and blue frame, are not integrated into the data (see regional biodiversity reservoirs of the SRCE). This is also the case for watercourses of watershed heads, for which there is no regional mapping. __Origin__ The rivers identified as regional biodiversity reservoirs and regional ecological corridors in the Brittany Regional Ecological Coherence Scheme result from the compilation of several data: — rivers classified under Article L.214-17 of the Environmental Code (lists 1 and 2); — streams, parts of watercourses or canals in which full protection of migratory fish living alternately in fresh and saltwater is required (SDAGE Loire-Bretagne); — rivers, parts of rivers or canals playing the role of biological reservoir necessary to maintain or achieve good ecological status (SDAGE Loire-Bretagne) — the parts of watercourses demarcated for the preparation of the pre-project spawning inventory (ONEMA, January 2014); — certain rivers of the BD Carthage® ©IGN: in order to preserve the continuity of L214-17 streams of Lists 1 and 2, certain sections of the BD Carthage rivers were selected there or a breakdown of List 1 or 2 classification was identified. The GIS layers were then compiled into the same layer. The winning table contains the following fields: STATUS: identifies the type of watercourse (listed 1, highly migratory axis, etc.) AXE_GM_ID: enters the original identifier for the SDAGE’s major migratory axes CE_ID: enters the original identifier for ‘joining’ watercourses CLASSE1_ID: enters the original identifier of classified watercourses List 1 CLASSE2_ID: enters the original identifier of classified watercourses List 2 FRAYERE_ID: enters the original river identifier of the spawning inventory RBIO_ID: enters the original identifier of the biological reservoirs of the SDAGE OBJECTIVE: informs the assigned objective (preserving or restoring the ecological functionality of the water courses) For more information, see SRCE Report No. 2. http://www.tvb-bretagne.fr/consultation NB: Be careful, this layer has been developed from several data sources that do not overlap perfectly. Since the entities have not been merged, the different linears can then present geographical shifts, making all statistical results unusable. __Partner organisations__ GIP Bretagne environment, DREAL Bretagne, Brittany Region __Links annexes__ * [consultation](http://www.tvb-bretagne.fr/consultation)
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