What to do in Paris? — Events and activities

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.15 05:57
Available languages
dicom, evenement, agenda-culturel, culture, paris, activite, region, loisirs
Quality scoring

Dataset description

What to do in Paris is the participatory agenda of the City of Paris. Here you will find all the events and activities of Paris and its region published on the website. **The structure of the dataset to evolve.** The two taxonomies — categories and tags — were collected into one. The old categories were exclusive (one event could have only one category), and the selected categories and tags were often redundant; so we kept the tag ranking only by converting the old categories into tags, and cleaned up potential duplicates. [Website: What to do in Paris](https://quefaire.paris.fr/) The site **What to do in Paris is a participatory agenda,** Parisian places such as the Libraries and Museums of the City, parks and gardens, entertainment centers, swimming pools, theatres, major venues such as Gaîté Lyrique, CENTQUATRE, the Carreau du Temple, concert halls, associations and even Parisians are invited to insert their events in the site. The editorial team then takes care of putting them forward through selections, interviews or on social networks. Contribute to revealing the good plans of Paris! How does it work? 1-You have an idea of exit 2-It is not in the site 3-Write a sheet 4-We reread 5-We validate and publish 6-We inform you Editor Aurélie Editors Olivier: Week, weekend, exhibition and concerts Celine: Free week, children and sport Berkou: Night and big events Moderation Sophie Social networks Christophe Games Clementine [Legal Comments What to do in Paris? ](https://quefaire.paris.fr/cgu)
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