ZNIEFF: Natural Areas of Ecological, Wildlife and Floristic Interest Type II (1st generation) in Pays de la Loire (historical data)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.07 06:38
Available languages
pays-de-la-loire, environment, dreal, donnees-ouvertes, open-data, sites-proteges, milieux-naturels, passerelle-inspire
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The sectors that may be concerned relate to the whole national, land, river and marine territory (including overseas departments). They must be particularly interesting from an ecological point of view, in particular because of the balance or richness of ecosystems that they constitute, because of the presence of #x27; rare and endangered plant or animal species. This is historical data. __Origin__ Tablet scanning at different scales. The ZNIEFF inventory is carried out at the regional scale by specialists whose work is validated by the Regional Scientific Council of Natural Heritage (RCPN) appointed by the prefect of region. The data are then transmitted to the National Museum of Natural History by DIREN (responsible for technical, administrative and financial coordination of l’' inventory at regional level) for evaluation and integration into the national computerised file.The regions can be associated with the conduct of this inventory within the scope of their competences. In addition, local authorities can contribute to the knowledge of the natural heritage by carrying out local inventories.The prefect of the region, the prefects of departments and the other local authorities concerned are informed of these elaborations.L' inventory is conducted under the scientific responsibility of the MNHN.During the preparation of #x27; a plan, programme or project, the prefect communicates to the municipality or to the #x27; public institution of competent intercommunal cooperation all information contained in the #x27; inventory useful for this elaboration. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Pays de la Loire [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/a8a373bf6c224bd7ba2b1b8a1ca4a11b420f2fa0)
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