Above ground water catchment areas Dresden (WMS Dienst)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.05 00:00
Available languages
infoManagementService, opendata, infoMapAccessService, Datenkatalog, Gewässernetz, OGC::WMS, INSPIRE_SVDD
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The topic covers the Upper Earth River Basin Areas (EZG) for surface waters in Dresden, with at least one EZG defined for each flowing water, except for a few exceptions. On the outskirts of the city, passability to the entire Saxon dataset was established. The EZG’e were calculated using GIS tools (SAGA GIS 2.2.0, Quantum GIS 2.8.1, Geospatial Modelling Environment GME 0.7.3), among others, based on the following data: — GeoSN digital terrain models (DGM) with grid widths 0.5 m and 2 m (fly 2009) — Water network of the city of Dresden (with Elbe as polyline, as of 20.03.2015) — Catchment area dataset of the LfULG (Saxony-wide) — LfULG flow water dataset (ATKIS-based, Saxon-wide) The following data is displayed for each EZG: — GEWAESSER: Name of the water to which the catchment area belongs. — GEWAESSERSYSTEM: Overarching water system. This attribute is used, among other things, for the assignment to the corresponding water cover. If Gewaesser is a main water or a water does not flow into a larger water, at least partly in Dresden, then GEWAESSERSYSTEM=Gewaesser is — WAESSERKENNZAHL: Water code (GEWKZ) according to LAWA method for gewaessers — AREA CODE: Encryption of the EZG with area code (GEBKZ) according to LAWA method = unique numbering of the EZG, coordinated with the total Saxon dataset. — START/END: Start and end of the EZG in relation to the waters to which the catchment area belongs. Start=source and ENDE=Earth in... states that it is the total undivided EZG of the corresponding water. — FLARE: EZG area in m² — AEND: Date of the last change — STATUS: Status, A=current — CATTIME: unique internal numbering of the graphic object — KATNAM/TYPE: other internal names for the graphic object
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