Current addresses of the city of Aachen represented by a point coordinate,
Zoom Limitation: visible under a scale of 1:2000;
Buildings are encrypted and localised via addresses. The construction of the building addresses is based on a recommendation of the German City Day. Addresses are the only places by which anyone can easily orient themselves, which are officially assigned, which are affixed in the locality and proven in map works. By the population, the economy and the administration alone they are used to identify buildings. The key classification of the addresses of the city of Aachen is composed of — street keys, street name, house number, house number addition, address, postcode, legal value, high value. The attributes high value and legal value are in WGS84. Each address has a dot coordinate. Reference system ETRS 1989/UTM Zone 32N, EPSG:25832. Position accuracy ± 1 m.
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