Advances in the geology of Rhineland and Westphalia

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Country of origin
2016.11.09 00:00
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Oberkarbon, Steinkohlengebirge, Struktur, Bodenschätzung, Sedimente, Kreide, Karbon, Untergrund, Tertiär, Inkohlung, Vererzung, Soil, Niederrhein, Geochemie, Oberdevon, Pflanzen, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Sporologie, Staatsdienst, Quartär
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Dataset description

In the series “Progresses in the Geology of Rhineland and Westphalia” thematically closed volumes with geoscientific contributions appear. 39 volumes have already been published. Band/part Description Delivery form Price order no. Band 3: The carbon of the subvaric hem sink. A symposium. Part 1: The Kulm and the bleak facies of Namur. 1960. Pp. 1-422, 117 Fig., 22 tab., 38 times tied EUR 10; 978-3-86029-801-5 Volume 3: The carbon of the subvaric hem sink. A symposium. Part 2: The coal mountains. Petrography and paleontology. 1962. Pp. 423-866, 103 Fig., 52 Tab., 74 Taf. tied EUR 13; 978-3-86029-803-9 Volume 3: The carbon of the subvaric hem sink. A symposium. Part 3: The coal mountains. Stratigraphy and tectonics. 1962. Pp. 867-1282, 83 Fig., 32 Tab., 56 Taf., Reg. TL 1-3 [text tape, attachment book] tied EUR 15; 978-3-86029-805-3 Band 6: The deeper underground of the Lower Rhine Bay. A symposium. 1962. 462 pp., 53 Fig., 14 tab., 59 times tied EUR 10; 978-3-86029-820-6 Band 7: The chalk of Westphalia. A symposium. 1964. 748 pp., 166 Fig., 35 Tab., 77 Taf. bound, out of print; 978-3-86029-826-8 Band 10: Differences between marine and non-marine sediments. A symposium. 1963. 482 pp., 93 Fig., 93 Tab., 10 Taf. paperback EUR 12; 978-3-86029-810-7 Band 11: The digestion bore Münsterland 1. A symposium. 1963. 568 pp., 131 Fig., 64 tab., 48 times tied EUR 15; 978-3-86029-811-4 Band 12: Paleobotanical, coal-petrographic and geochemical contributions to stratigraphy and coal genesis. A symposium. 1964. 644 pp., 91 Fig., 48 tab., 123 Taf. tied EUR 18; 978-3-86029-812-1 Band 13: On the geology of the Northwest German hard coal mountains. A symposium. 1966/67. 1444 pp., 254 Fig., 88 Tab., 154 Taf. [2 volumes of text, annex volume] tied EUR 25; 978-3-86029-813-8 Band 14: Anderson, Hans-Joachim; Chevalier, Jean-Pierre: Faunen from the Miocän Northwest Germany. 1964. 390 pp., 31 Fig., 5 Tab., 54 Taf. paperbound, out of stock; 978-3-86029-814-5 Band 15: Contributions to engineering geology. A symposium. 1968. 518 pp., 167 Fig., 47 tab., 23 times tied EUR 10; 978-3-86029-815-2 Band 16: [Content: 32 contributions on various topics of geological research in North Rhine-Westphalia.] 1969. 608 pp., 147 Fig., 45 tab., 53 times tied EUR 15; 978-3-86029-816-9 Band 17: [Content: 42 contributions to various topics of geological research in North Rhine-Westphalia.] 1970. 810 pp., 217 Fig., 74 tab., 72 times tied EUR 25; 978-3-86029-817-6 Band 18: The higher upper carbon of Westphalia and the Bramscher massif. A symposium. 1971. 596 pp., 116 Fig., 48 Tab., 30 Taf. [Text tape, attachment tape] tied EUR 20; 978-3-86029-818-3 Band 19: Carbon deposits in the Federal Republic of Germany. An overview. 1971. 242 pp., 79 Fig., 15 Tab., 8 Taf. [with English (203 p.) and French (205 p.) translation] EUR 15; 978-3-86029-819-0 Volume 21: Contributions to soil science. A symposium. 1972. 452 pp., 92 Fig., 64 tab., 48 times tied EUR 18; 978-3-86029-821-3 Band 22: Potonié, Robert: Phylogenetic sporology. Changes in the spore shape of the Higher Plants throughout the Earth’s history. 1973. 148 pp., 142 Fig. tied EUR 7; 978-3-86029-822-0 Band 23: 100 years of Geological State Service in North Rhine-Westphalia 1873-1973. 1973. 306 pp., 34 Fig., 3 tab., 11 times tied EUR 20; 978-3-86029-823-7 Band 24. Coal and oil. Contributions from coal petrology to the prospection of oil and natural gas. 1974. 183 pp., 61 Fig., 15 tab., 28 times tied EUR 15; 978-3-86029-824-4 Band 25: Potonié, Robert: Contributions to sporology. 1975. 286 pp., 19 Taf. tied EUR 10; 978-3-86029-825-1 Band 27: Coaling and geothermal technology. Relations between incineration, illit diagenesis, hydrocarbon management and geothermal technology. 1979. 372 pp., 96 Fig., 51 tab., 7 times tied EUR 20; 978-3-86029-827-5 Band 28: The Rheinische Schiefergebirge and the Lower Rhine Bay in the Young Tertiary and Quaternary. 2. It’s up to you. 1983. 538 pp., 102 Fig., 30 tab., 19 times tied EUR 25; 978-3-86029-828-2 Band 29: Geology and deposit exploration in the Rhenish lignite area. 1981. 575 S.,139 Fig., 56 tab., 21 times tied EUR 25; 978-3-86029-829-9 Band 30: Krefelder and Lippstädter Gewölbe — the large transverse structures on the edge of the Ruhrkohlenbecken. 1982. 439 pp., 83 Fig., 31 Tab., 28 Taf. tied EUR 25; 978-3-86029-830-5 Band 31: Josten, Karl-Heinz: The Fossil Floren in the Namur of the Ruhr Carbon. 1983. 327 pp., 112 Fig., 10 tab., 56 times tied EUR 18; 978-3-86029-831-2 Band 32: Northwest German Upper Carbon, Part 1. 1984. 339 pp., 94 Fig., 34 tab., 26 times tied EUR 20; 978-3-86029-832-9 Band 33: Northwest German Upper Carbon, Part 2. 1985. 323 pp., 93 Fig., 32 tab., 7 times tied EUR 20; 978-3-86029-833-6 Band 34: Geochemistry and mineralisation in the Rheinische Schiefergebirge. 1986. 508 pp., 135 Fig., 77 tab., 17 times tied EUR 25; 978-3-86029-834-3 Band 35: The Upper Devon of the Rheinische Schiefergebirge. 1989. 413 pp., 72 Fig., 40 tab., 22 times tied EUR 25; 978-3-86029-835-0 Band 36. Josten, Karl-Heinz: The coal-fired rivers of Northwest Germany. 1991. Textbd: 434 pp., 232 Fig., 29 Tab.; Table bd: 451 p., 220 Taf. —out of stock- Volume 37: The underground of the Lower Rhine Bay. Results of a drill program in the Krefeld area. 1998. 595 pp., 103 Fig., 21 Tab., 31 Taf., 4 Anl.-Taf. tied EUR 30; 978-3-86029-837-4 Band 38: The Subvariscikum Northwest of Germany. Structure and deposit potential of a foreshore basin. 1994. 356 pp., 177 Fig., 9 tab., 4 times tied EUR 30; 978-3-86029-838-1 Band 39: Josten, Karl-Heinz and van Amerom, Hendrik W. J.: Plant fossils in Westfal D, Stefan and Rotliegend Northern Germany. 1999. 168 pp., 39 Fig., 4 Tab. and 25 Taf. tied EUR 15; 978-3-86029-839-8
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