Archaeological Protected Areas of Baden-Württemberg

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Kulturdenkmal, Boden, Bodendenkmal, Denkmal, inspireidentifiziert, Denkmalschutz, Archäologie
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Mapping of well-known archaeological protected areas in Baden-Württemberg according to the Monument Protection Act (DSchG BW). The cultural heritage of an object does not depend on the recording and mapping of the central monument information system ADABweb, since the list of monuments listed there does not have a constitutive (legislative), but merely declaratory (right-declaring) character. Objects that are not yet listed in the list of monuments can also be cultural monuments if they meet the criteria set out in § 2 DSchG BW. Experience shows that only a fraction of the actual archaeological monuments are known and included in the list of monuments. For a legally binding clarification of historical issues, it may be necessary in the course of monument-relevant planning procedures to define the extent and quality of the existing monument substance more concretely by means of appropriate prospecting measures. In the case of such projects, an early participation of the State Office for Monument Conservation in the Stuttgart Government Office and the monument protection authority responsible under § 3 of the DSchG BW is therefore necessary. Detailed information can be found at
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