Areas of Natural Risks Hesse — Flooding Areas_HQ100_to_HWG

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.10.18 00:00
Available languages
HQ100, Natural risk zones, gesetzliche Überschwemmungsgebiete, Überflutungsflächen, Hochwasser, HLNUG, Gebiete mit naturbedingten Risiken, Wasser, inspireidentifiziert, naturbedingte Risiken, Hydrologie, Hydrology, Hessen, Überschwemmungsgebiete, regional, infoMapAccessService
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Floodplains during flooding in Hesse: Designation according to the Water Resources Act (WHG) §74 and according to WHG §76 (or §45 Hessisches Wassergesetz (HWG)).: Actual flooding areas of above-ground waters in Hesse (designation according to §45 Hessisches Wassergesetz (HWG) and §76 Water Budget Act (WHG)) for flood events that can be expected statistically once in 100 years. The Hesse Retention Register (RKH) (cataster of existing and potential retention areas) covers all important waterways in Hesse (4.778 km of a total of 23.643 km of water distance). Retention spaces are the areas on which the water can spread during flooding. These areas were secured by ordinance or provisionally secured by the publication of a work card. The designation of new building areas is generally prohibited there. The construction of individual construction facilities is also subject to restrictions, as well as the handling of water hazardous substances. The basis for the recording is the calculated water level position at a 100-year outflow. Due to geometric homogenisations of the property map in the meantime, when the representations of flood zones are digitally superimposed with the data of the property map, location deviations can occur between the flood zone boundaries shown and the location-identical parcel boundary lines, if applicable, at the time of determination. In any case, the analogue maps of the fixing documents, which can be consulted by the government offices, are decisive for the area concerned.
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