Areas within the nitrate backdrop of less than 550 mm long-term precipitation

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.02.01 00:00
Available languages
Düngeverordnung, Landwirtschaft, AVV GeA, Nitrat, DüV, opendata, ThürDüV, langjähriger Niederschlag, Nitratkulisse, Feldblock, Niederschlagskulisse
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Dataset description

In order to fulfil the objective of the Federal Fertilising Ordinance (DüV) of 26 May 2017 (BGBl. I p. 1305), as last amended on 10 August 2021 (BGBl. I p. 3436), which provides for the resource-efficient use of plant nutrients and compliance with the requirements of water protection, the First Ordinance amending the Thuringian Fertiliser Ordinance (Thüringer Düngeverordnung) entered into force on 30.11.2022. In Thuringia, an area for the protection of waters against pollution by nitrate (nitrate backdrop) has been identified in order to reduce the nutrient input from agriculture in these polluted areas. Under Paragraph 13a(2)(7) of the DüV, fertilisers with a significant nitrogen content in those areas may be applied in those areas only if an intermediate crop has been grown in the autumn of the previous year and has not been broken before 15 January. This excludes areas where crops are harvested after 01.10. and areas in areas where the annual rainfall in the long-term average is less than 550 mm. The designated agricultural areas with a long-term average annual fall of less than 550 mm are the reference parcels according to the Thuringian Ordinance on the Implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy, as amended, which are identified by the field block. Agricultural land situated at least half of its area in the area designated by the German Weather Service forms the areas with long-term average annual precipitation of less than 550 mm. The areas are based on the provision of the 30-year budget (1991-2020) to the long-term average annual precipitation of less than 550 mm. They are expected to remain valid for the current decade. The designation of this area is tied to the nitrate backdrop and is indicated only for the field blocks concerned. The spatial data of the reference parcels concerned are calculated annually on 01.02. and published in digital form in the geoportal Thüringen.
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