Association Areas of Water Entertainment Associations (historical)

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.23 23:16
Available languages
envi, verwaltungseinheiten, hydrologie, regi, gewässerunterhaltung, opendata, einzugsgebiete, gewässer, satzung
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Dataset description

The Association Areas of the Water Entertainment Associations (GUV) of the State of Brandenburg are derived from the data set ezg25 (surface catchment areas of the State of Brandenburg). The discharge shall be carried out in accordance with the catchment areas referred to in the Association Statutes. The catchment areas which were designated and made publicly accessible by the Water Management Office for the first time on 1 November of the respective year and thereafter on the reference date of 1 June of the previous year for the following year are decisive for the association area boundaries. The following restrictions apply to the dataset GUV borders 2014. The state border of Brandenburg is not included in this dataset. The polygons contained, as well as the underlying catchment areas, extend beyond the national border. The areas outside Brandenburg are not part of the association areas. The comparison with the border with the border was carried out by the legal deadline and is available to the associations in the form of a list of parcels. see below Dataset; Catchment area data used; Property data used P & V borders 2014; ezg25.shp version 3.1; Alkis as of 01.11.2013 P & V borders 2015; ezg25.shp version 4.0; Alkis as of 01.06.2014 P & V borders 2016; ezg25.shp version 4.0; Alkis Booth 01.06.2015 P & V borders 2017; ezg25.shp version 4.1; Alkis Booth 01.06.2016 P & V borders 2018; ezg25.shp version 4.2; Alkis as of 01.06.2017 P & V limits 2019; ezg25.shp version 4.2; Alkis as of 01.06.2018 2020 P & V borders; ezg25.shp version 4.2; Alki’s Stand: 01.06.2019 P & Cs 2021; ezg25.shp version 4.2; Alki’s Stand: 01.06.2020
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