Background values for Vanadium (V) in German soils 1:1,000,000

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.03.22 00:00
Available languages
Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Boden
Quality scoring

Dataset description

New, nationwide background values for 16 heavy metals and trace elements were published by the LABO in 2017. They are based on profile descriptions and measurements of aqua regia extracts, which were combined and homogenized by the BGR. Measurements with high quantification limits were excluded from further evaluation according to certain criteria in order to avoid their influence on the derivation of background values. To prevent the background values from being disproportionately influenced by regions with high sample densities, spatial thinning was partially performed. The values of several horizons of a site were combined to one value by depth-weighted averages. For evaluation, the available measured values were assigned to different groups of soil parent materials. In addition, a distinction was made whether the samples were taken in the topsoil, in the subsoil or in the underground. In the case of topsoil, the different land use (arable land, grassland, forest) was also taken into account for the evaluation. Unconsolidated rocks were evaluated separately for northern and southern Germany due to their different composition. By dividing the data into sub-collectives, reliable case numbers were not achieved in all cases. Consequently, only background values with case numbers ?20 are presented. The exact derivation procedure can be found in the report of the LABO-Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz (2017): 'Hintergrundwerte für anorganische und organische Stoffe in Böden', 4th revised and supplemented edition.
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