Bicycle city map Braunschweig

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Boden, Stadtverkehr, Stadtplanung und -entwicklung, Nahverkehr, Pendelverkehr, Bodenbedeckung, Straßenverkehr, Bodennutzung, Gebäude, Verkehrsnetze
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The bike city map shows all cycle roads around the city centre, new cycling routes between the districts and a guide system for cyclists at a glance. On a scale of 1:25,000 it shows the entire Braunschweig cycling network. On a detailed map basis, the signposted cycle routes, cycle roads and all road-accompanying cycle paths as well as the tempo 30 zones that are particularly attractive for cyclists are shown. The one-way roads approved for cycling are also marked in the bicycle city map. An enlarged map section of the city centre also informs about bicycle parking facilities and the pedestrian zones approved for cycling. The bicycle city map summarises the city administration’s data into a handy and clear map. Texts about cycling on the back complete the information. New is the route-related representation of the two-way cycle paths along roads. Printed on weatherproof material. The current edition was created in cooperation with the Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad Club (ADFC). The bicycle city map is available at the Tourist Information Office, Kleine Burg 14, in the Braunschweig bookstore, in some bicycle shops, in the office of the ADFC, Klint 20, and in the consulting centre Planen-Bauen-Umwelt, in the Langer Hof 8 office. The bicycle city map is also integrated into the online map of the city’s website. In addition, the cycling network listed in the bicycle city map is freely made available as Open GeoData by the Department of Urban Planning and Geoinformation
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