Biostratigraphic Information (PaStraInfo) (WMS Service)

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
OGC::WMS, Stratigrafie, infoManagementService, Geologie, infoMapAccessService, inspireidentifiziert
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Biostratigraphic dating is of particular importance for the processing of the geology of Lower Saxony (state intake, raw material exploration, hydrogeology, engineering geology). Microfossils in particular provide very reliable information about the age and deposit environment of rocks. Biostratigraphic dating based on macro and especially microfossils for Lower Saxony has been around since the 1930s. So far, most of them have only been available in analogue reports. Since 2002, they have been recorded digitally in the PaStraLa database (Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Laboratories). In 2009, the data collection of all analogous reports began in the database, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. In order to make the results available to the general public, the application PaStraInfo (Paleontological-Stratigraphic Information) was developed in 2010 and made available to the public via the map server. Upon completion of the documentation of all analog reports, several thousand dates of drilling and digestion in Lower Saxony and the German North Sea will be researchable and usable for all interested parties. The biostratigraphic results are displayed in the form of a table, the underlying original report can be accessed and downloaded as a pdf document; in individual cases, there are several reports for a hole. The additional selection of “holes” in the map server creates a link to the drilling database Lower Saxony (BDN) and shows you whether these are dates of soil, geological, hydrogeological, rock-earth, engineering geological or deep drilling. Not all reports/holes are released; for unreleased reports, only locality information is displayed. If and under which conditions further information is available, please contact PaStraInfo.
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