Dataset information
Available languages
geschützte Biotope, GDIMRH, Biotoptypen, inspireidentifiziert, Lebensraumtypen, Naturschutz
Dataset description
Digital map of the biotope and usage types of the Lüchow-Dannenberg district: By evaluating current real color images (LGLN 2012a, 2008) and infrared aerial images (LGLN 2012b) on a scale of 1:10,000, biotope types of the Nd could be analysed. Karting keys (DRACHENFELS 2011) up to the main unit (2. Level, two-part letter code) to be determined. In the course of this, further data were provided by ausgewertet:Amtliches Topographical Cartographic Information System (ATKIS), as of 09/2013 (LANDKREIS LÜCHOW-DANNENBERG 2013a),German Basic Map 1:5,000 (LGLN 1998),Preußische Landesaufnahme 1877-1919 (LGLN 2013),Soil Overview Map 1:50.000 (LBEG 2004),Legal Flood Areas of Elbe, Jeetzel and Seege (NLWKN 2009), Protected Biotopes according to § 30 BNatSchG, Status: 10/2013 (LANDKREIS LÜCHOW-DANNENBERG 2013b),Delineation of nature reserves (LANDKREIS LÜCHOW-DANNENBERG 2011),Delimitation of Natura 2000 sites (LANDKREIS LÜCHOW-DANNENBERG 2009, 2008),Landeswide biotope mapping in Lower Saxony (NLWKN 2008a),Map of geohazards in Lower Saxony 1:25 000 (LBEG 2008), FFFH area classifications within the Biosphere Reserve of Lower Saxony Elbtalaue (Biosphere Reserve Administration NIEDERSÄCHSISCHE ELBTALAUE2011).The potentially protected biotopes and FFH habitat types derived from the aerial image were converted to subunit (3. Level, three-part letter code) mapped in scale 1:5,000 in the terrain in 2014 and 2015. In the FFH area Landgraben and dummy settlement (NLWKN 2008b), biotope type mapping has already been available, these data have been taken over in the same way in areas already mapped by the NFP (2008) in the course of forest biotope mapping.In addition, the NLWKN has carried out terrain mappings in FFH areas No 42 Nemitzer Heide, No 73 Maujahn, No 247 water system of the Jeezel with spring ponds and No 278 Konau near Braudel in 2014. The incorporation of these notifiable data is still pending.Deservation areas are considered as technical installations and, as a result, are not classified as protected biotopes within the meaning of §30 BNatSchG. For this reason, no terrain mapping of the dike areas took place.
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