central Supply Areas (WMS Service)

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2007.04.19 00:00
Available languages
infoManagementService, opendata, INSPIRE_SVDD, infoMapAccessService, Bewirtschaftungsgebiete/Schutzgebiete/geregelte Gebiete und Berichterstattungseinheiten, OGC::WMS
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The centre concept of the state capital Dresden, most recently part of the Integrated Urban Development Concept 2002, is a planning basis for securing and sustainably strengthening the polycentral center structure in Dresden. The functioning of the centres as areas of concentration of commercial, service, cultural and social institutions is determined to a particular extent by the size and structure of the retail sector. Corresponding concepts since the beginning of the 1990s, initially the framework concept for retail trade 1991/95, and later the centre concept are essential decision-making aid for retail settlements. The reasons for further planning are the current trends in the centres as well as this development of tangling location relocations in the food retail sector with an impact on the local supply of the Dresden population. In addition, with the amended BauGB 2004 there are also changed legal frameworks that have an impact on the management of central development. The centre concept, which was updated on these foundations, was confirmed by decision by the City Council on 19.04.2007.
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