City floor map 1: 10 000

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2009.03.02 00:00
Available languages
Bodeneigenschaft, Bodenartenschichtung, Urban-industrieller Raum, Landesaufnahme, Bodeninventur, Bodenverbreitung, Bodenbewertung, Kartieranleitung, Flächenverbrauch, Flächendaten, Land use, Nutzungsdruck, Flächendatenbank, Bodeneinheit, Wasserverhältnisse, Bodenveränderung, Ertragsfähigkeit, Bodenvergesellschaftung, Nutzung, Nutzungseignung
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The scientifically based soil mapping (soil inventory) with the publication of soil maps is the most important basis for soil use, soil protection and soil research. These are surface data of soil-based mapping for the distribution and characteristics of the soils. They are the basis for the Sadt floor card 1: 10 000. The increasing concentration of settlement, industry and transport leads, especially in metropolitan areas, to large land use, land changes and pollution. High utilisation pressure on the few remaining open spaces within cities and numerous conflicts of interest reflect the considerable demand for floor space. Industrial sites must be refurbished and reused, contaminated and refurbished, areas unsealed and the quality of life of urban spaces maintained or improved for residents. In order to fulfil the diverse range of tasks, appropriate information is required on the nature of urban soils. The city floor maps provide comprehensive overviews of soil changes as well as possibilities for use and development. They enable low-risk and gentle use of the soil and advise on the targeted improvement of soil in urban-industrial spaces. The following urban soil mappings are available in the Geological Service NRW: — Project Herne-Sodingen. 1993 — Project Oberhausen-Brücktorviertel. 2000 — Project Krefeld. 2000
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