Class sign of soil estimation of Lower Saxony 1: 5 000 (WMS service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2015.01.07 00:00
Available languages
infoMapAccessService, OGC::WMS, infoManagementService, NIBIS-Metadaten, Boden
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Dataset description

The data collection of soil estimation dates back to the Act on the Estimation of the Cultural Soil of 16 October 1934. In addition to the establishment of a fair tax base for agricultural holdings, the aim of the legislation was at the same time a general ground-based inventory for tasks of all other land use planning. In the practice of soil estimation, drill stick samples up to 1 meter depth are taken in a grid of 50 by 50 meters each. Features and characteristics of the profile, such as soil type, humus and lime content, hydromorphic characteristics, etc. are included. This is followed by the summary of similar single boreholes to soil areas as well as the content documentation by area representative defining tombhole descriptions. The field estimation map documents the location points and area boundaries, the profile descriptions are recorded in estimation books. The soil estimation data are maintained and kept by the Lower Saxony surveying and cadastral administration in the Official Property Register Information System (ALKIS). On the basis of the Soil Estimation Order (Roundlass of the Lower Saxony Minister of the Interior of 20. 5. 1970) Since the 1970s, the then NLfB soil maps have been issued as a print edition (DGK5Bo) on the basis of soil estimation on a scale of 1:5,000. With the introduction of the map server of the LBEG (NIBIS) and presentation of soil estimation data in the map server, creation and printing of the DGK5Bo were discontinued. In the estimation framework of soil estimation, the soils are divided into so-called soil classes by type of soil, state stage and formation. The class signs give a first overview of the soil profile structure, soil development and water balance. The values of the estimation framework estimate the natural viability of soils on the basis of the Soil Estimation Act. The LBEG offers a representation of the class signs of soil estimation as a map plot in a scale of 1:5,000 (BS5). The plots can be obtained via the website of the LBEG.
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