Climate — Climate Adaptation City of Bremen

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.03.04 23:00
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Quality scoring

Dataset description

Data on climate adaptation strategy ° Bioclimatic situation (climate function map) ° Bioclimatic situation (settlement areas, green and open spaces) ° Climate comfort: Heat load ° Wind comfort/storm hazard Bioclimatic situation (climate function map): The climate function map depicts the functions and processes of the nocturnal air exchange for the urban area of Bremen (current field, cold air conductivity). For residential and commercial areas, it represents the nocturnal overheating, based on the ground-level air temperature in an autochthonous summer night at 04:00 in the morning. Bioclimatic situation of settlement areas (with cold air control area) • Settlement areas in the cold air flow area: Settlement areas flowing through nocturnal cold air. The cold air impact area characterises the ground-level discharge of the cold air from the green areas into the adjoining development during an autochthonous summer night. As a cold air treatment area, settlement and Commercial areas within the urban area characterised by an above-average Cold air volume flow is flown through or is characterised by a wind speed of at least 0.2 m s-1. • Bioclimatic situation of settlement areas: Classification of the bioclimatic situation into four classes (very favorable, cheap, less favourable, unfavorable) in relation to the local agent based on the z-transformed PMV (predicted mean vote). Settlement areas can be divided into sufficiently ventilated areas and thus mostly climatically favourable settlement structures as well as climatic stress areas. The nocturnal overheating is based on the temperature difference from the green areas of the city. The heat island effect results as a deviation from this reference value and thus represents a more suitable characteristic for measuring the urban climate effect than absolute temperature values. Bioclimatic importance of green and open spaces (cold air generation/production) • Surfaces with very high cold air generation/production: Green areas with very high cold air production are areas that have more than above average cold air production in relation to the mean in the investigation room. They are marked by dot symbols. Selection criterion is a z-transformed cold air production rate greater than 1. Cold air development areas characterise green areas with a significantly above-average cold air production rate and feed the cold air exchange areas or extend beyond them. • Bioclimatic importance of green and open spaces: Division of the urban climate significance of green spaces into four classes (low, medium, high, very high). In the climate function map, green and open spaces are characterised in terms of their cold air supply capacity. Cold-air-producing areas (cold-air development areas) include unsealed open spaces (e.g. meadows, pastures and arable areas) as well as green areas characterised by loosened vegetation (e.g. park areas, small gardens and cemeteries) and forests. For the characterisation of this compensation, the cold air volume flow from adjacent areas is drawn. • Settlement areas with climate-relevant function: In individual cases, cold air can also be transmitted via settlement areas with low construction density, low construction heights and/or a high proportion of greenery. These settlement areas with very high cold air volume flows have a similar function within the settlement area and are indicated with a horizontal hatching. • Air exchange: Classification or evaluation of the cold air supply capacity of green areas in relation to the local medium (z-transformed cold air volume flow). Cold air exchange areas connect cold air generation areas (compensation rooms) and load areas (effect rooms) via (local or higher-level) cold air conductivity or fulfil an important ventilation function and are therefore an elementary part of the air exchange.
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